Picrorhiza kurroa, commonly known as Kutki or Katuki, is a perennial
herb native to the Himalayan region, particularly found in the alpine
Himalayas, from Kashmir to Bhutan. The plant typically grows at altitudes
ranging from 3,000 to 5,000 meters.
NO PRESERVATIVE: Organic Spree Kutki Herb is free from any preservative, harmful chemical or any added flavour or color.*
COMMON NAMES: Picrorhiza kurroa, commonly referred to as Kutki, also has several other common names depending on the region and language. Here are some of the common names for Kutki herb: Katuki, Kutaki, Karru, Kuru, Pikorhiza, Picrorhiza, Himalayan Gentian, Hu huang lian (Chinese name), Kadu (Nepali name), Katu-kam (Tibetan name)
Habitat: Kutki typically grows in the alpine regions of the Himalayas,
particularly at altitudes ranging from 3,000 to 5,000 meters. It thrives in
rocky and mountainous terrain.
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